Learn More About Our Partners

Every Purchase Helps Fund Ocean Restoration.

We're not just selling shirts and socks made with recycled bottles. We're actively working to create change in the health of our oceans. That's why we work with partner organizations like FORCE BLUE, Seaside Sustainability and Ocean Habitats to make a bigger splash.

When you purchase a performance shirt from our partner collections, 20% goes directly to funding their mission. Join us and our partners in taking the first step to lasting change.

Ocean Habitats


Based in Florida, Ocean Habitats has installed thousands of mini-reef habitats under docks and in canals throughout Florida and the Southeast. These mini-reefs function like the mangrove systems that originally lined Florida’s coast, providing places for filter-feeders, like oysters, to attach and small fish to hide, attracting larger fish. Plus, when fully developed, mini-reefs can clean an average of 30,000 gallons of seawater per day. Just think: that’s 11 million gallons a year per reef!  And a Billion gallons filtered per year for every 100 reefs in the water. Wow!

 Force Blue



FORCE BLUE is the only nonprofit organization in the world that provides mission therapy for former combat divers. These elite Special Operations veterans are deployed on missions of conservation, preservation, and restoration. FORCE BLUE has created a model of caring, cooperation and positive change with the power to restore lives and restore the planet. We also carry a special collection for their 100 Yards of Hope reef restoration mission off the coast of Miami being held throughout 2020.


Seaside Sustainability 

Based in Massachusetts, Seaside Sustainability is a nonprofit dedicated to achieving greater sustainability in our oceans by educating through action. Their dedicated team of volunteers and interns advocates for the adoption of modern ocean-cleaning technologies, single-use plastic bans, invasive species mitigation and curriculum development that includes their award-winning Green Scholars program.